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About Us

Bible Study Ministry is an online platform devoted to offering truth-based and influential Bible insights for Yah’s (God’s) chosen individuals and communities seeking a deeper understanding of the Scriptures. This ministry's goal is to provide bible lessons that will help us on our transformative journey through a Bible study program, focusing on unlearning preconceived notions and relearning biblical truths.

Bible lessons
Menorah Candlestand

Our Mission

Key Elements of Our Mission:

1. Offering Profound and Influential Bible Insights: We are committed to providing high-quality Bible and/or Apocryphal study materials that go beyond surface-level understanding. Our aim is to go deeper into the Scriptures, offering impactful insights that challenge and inspire individuals to engage with the Bible in a meaningful way.


2. Guiding on a Transformative Journey: We recognize the prophecies in Daniel 12:4 (knowledge increase) and Exekiel 37: 1-28 (Dry bones rattling) are happening now and true growth and understanding require a willingness to unlearn and relearn. Our Bible study program is designed to guide individuals on a transformative journey, encouraging them to let go of preconceived notions and embrace new perspectives rooted in biblical truth.


3. Focus on Unlearning Preconceived Notions: We believe that sometimes the barriers to understanding the Scriptures lie in the misconceptions we hold. Through our studies, we encourage the Assembly of the Chosen to examine and let go of these preconceived notions, be open to learning about hidden truth and to approach the Bible with you and your history in mind.


4. Relearning Biblical Truths: Our ministry is dedicated to equipping individuals with accurate and reliable biblical knowledge. We provide comprehensive study materials that explore historical context, theological interpretations, and key passages, facilitating a relearning process that leads to a deeper and more authentic understanding of the Scriptures.

Our Vision

This ministry encourages the Assembly of the Chosen to approach the Bible with fresh eyes, allowing for new insights and perspectives to emerge. While rediscovering the prophetic, the history, and the truth! 

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